Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann – "Listen to me, you fucking furry"



This episode confirms it; Gurren Lagan is made of all kinds of awesome. The first 10 minutes… I’ve been sitting here for 20 and I still can’t articulate everything that’s so good about it. I’m talking about the knife fight. The way the characters move, the way they talk, the art, the fluidity of animation, it’s all just perfect. A jaw-dropping and perfect distillation of everything that I love about shonen anime. The mecha battles too. They are grandiose in execution; the explosions from their missiles could almost be mini-nukes for way they cover the screen with violent, multi-coloured mushroom clouds.
Often I feel like there a knowing wink at the audience from Gainax, almost as if they know they are exploding the world with this show. The rock music in the background is a definite sign that they are just absolutely rocking out while animating this. Gurren Lagan is something to watch if you want a big smile slapped across your face for 24 minutes. This episode confirmed it for me; it’s the best show in a good season of anime by a long way. Now for some dialogue from this episode:
“Listen to me, you fucking furry”, “I’m the Gurren Brigade’s Lord Kamina, who’s name quiets crying children!” “Mens souls, uniting with passion”, “Who the fuck do you think I am?” and finally, “DABBU DABBU DABBU DABBU DA!!!”. Best. episode. ever. What a rush!

2 responses to “Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann – "Listen to me, you fucking furry"”

  1. Martin Avatar

    This episode was fantastic – plenty of character introspection and some really fun visuals, followed by a gleefully-over-the-top battle scene. As mindless fun goes, this is hard to beat. In fact, I’m not surprised that episode 4 had such a backlash – how can the series top this??

  2. tch Avatar

    I don’t know if it’s been stated, but I believe the most intriguing aspect to this anime were the first minutes showing an older Simon talking like Kamina.
    I didn’t think the anime would progress so far, yet after the first 9 episodes I’m convinced that this won’t be a run on anime. Hopefully 26 or so eps, and coming full circle to the first few minutes of Ep 1.

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