One Piece. Oh, man. Where do I start.
I had it on hold for nearly a year but my conscience was nagging at me that whole time.
Get back to watching One Piece.
Get back to watching One Piece.
This isn’t a series I can just breeze through, though. I care about these characters. I’m fascinated by this story. When I’m watching One Piece, it basically takes over my life. I have to stop watching everything else because I can’t stop thinking about it.
It’s my favourite anime.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy and admire a lot of other series, but very few of them have this impact on me. I really, honestly, love this show, and I’m glad to have it back.
400 episodes in and it just keeps getting better. Writing this now, I can’t believe that I’ve actually managed to watch 400 episodes of the same flipping show. It hardly feels that long.
Episode 405 is what brought us here, again. Luffy sees his whole crew, his best friends, ostensibly killed in front of his very own eyes. Rendered impotent by Bartholomew Kuma’s power, all he can do is despair as his friends are whipped away from him, one by one.
One Piece is a desperate story. In scenes like these, I always think back to Nami’s struggle against Arlong. Her body language in that scene when she breaks down, when she’s screaming at Luffy to leave her alone, scraping her nails along the ground, trying to push him away. It’s one of the most painful, visceral moments of anime I can remember.
When the Straw Hats lose something, they are not dignified. They care too much to take it lying down. They cry, they scrape, they scream. Luffy is not a calm person. He loses almost everything he loves in this episode and he fights against it with every ounce of his waining strength.
No matter that things seem to be going badly wrong, what one gets from this episode, above all else, is that it would be great to have a friend like him.
Yeah, I’m glad to be back watching One Piece.
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