Anime Reviews

Good morning, angels.

In honor of Aniplex’s recent announcement of a new Read or Die (“ROD”) Blu-Ray box set I thought it was high time to review the television series.  The box set itself deserves a mention, all 26 episodes of the Read or Die TV, the 3 part OVA and a booklet, all supposedly identical to the Japanese Blu-Ray box version.  Then there is the price, $159.98 for pre-orders!  A few years ago I thought $80 for a series was horrendously expensive, but this is just ridiculous.  As another fan mentioned on Aniplex’s facebook page, “the year 2000 called and it wants its single season anime pricing back!”  So unless you own the Geneon DVD release (you’ll have to pry mine from my cold dead hands!) be prepared to order it on Netflix.  And order it you shall, because this is honestly one of the best anime out there.