A Tatami Galaxy kind of year



Of all the anime I’ve seen this year, probably the one that deserves blogging the most is The Tatami Galaxy. Life imitates art; and looking back on the past year, or the part of my life which, in many ways has abruptly stumbled to an end of sorts I can qualify the title. For me, it really has been a Tatami Galaxy kind of year.

The reason Tatami Galaxy, even through its almost blinding abstractions, resonates so strongly with so many is the show’s all-encompassing focus on liminal spaces. Liminal spaces is just a fancy literary term for purgatory or limbo; inbetween spaces, either imposed or voluntarily entered into, in which there is neither advancement or retreat (again, voluntary or imposed).The days repeat and repeat, and while there may be variation there is no color, no impetus, no motion. If life can be thought of as a river, through which one is either being swept along by the currents or “going with the flow”, then a liminal space could be thought of as sitting on the banks of the river, watching things float by.
Perhaps the most noteworthy liminal spaces covered by anime are that of school times. While high school settings are a dime a dozen, however, anime set in colleges are slightly rarer. Moreover, the idea of college as a liminal space is considerably more powerful: one’s term in college is self-determined, and almost no-one graduates within the prescribed 3 or 4 year timelines. And thus, we join our intrepid Everyman, Watashi, through his ever-repeating, spiralling college years.

As viewers, it’s not that we hope Watashi will find his way through his ‘maze’. Instinctively we know he will, because it follows the patterns of narrative that we’re used to. The reason why Watashi is so interesting to watch, as he cubes up in nervousness in front of Akashi, or gloats to himself at his literary prowess, is because, just as we know he’ll make it, we also know exactly what he needs to do to escape: he has to take a chance. Watashi needs to jump back into the river and be swept away. This is contrary to Watashi’s – and really, all of our – views on life, love, and our careers. We’d much rather feel in control of things, but control is contrary to progress. As if to underscore this point, Higuchi and Watashi, at the turning point of the anime in episode nine, have a conversation by the Kamo Ohashi, on the Kamo River – a place the characters find themselves at repeatedly throughout the course of the Tatami Galaxy.

Higuchi: I’ve thought about this for quite a while, but now my mind is made up. It will soon be the day for me to go forth, out into the world. I will circle the globe.
Watashi: Sounds like fun… I feel like something went awry with my life.
Higuchi: Your life has not yet begun. You are spending overtime inside of your mother’s belly.
Watashi: It’s not that bad. I successfully obtained a life that people would be jealous of. But something is missing. Is this really it? There’s got to be some more meaningful life out there, more rose-coloured, more sparkling! There might have been some college life with not a single dark cloud that would have satisfied me!
Higuchi: What’s the matter? Are you half asleep?
Watashi: I got to where I am by believing in my own potential! I’m not sure I’m saying it right, but why does my heart feel so cold? Maybe there’s a choice I should have made that would have led to some other possibility? Maybe the choices I made in my first year were wrong!
Higuchi: You cannot use the word “possibility” without limitations. Can you become a bunny girl? Can you become a pilot? Can you become a famous singer, or a superhero who saves the world with his powers?
Watashi: No, I can’t.
Higuchi: Perhaps you could. But if you keep focusing your gaze on that which is unrealistic, you never will. The root of all your evil is in always relying on one of your other possibilities to get your wish. You must accept that you are the person here, now, and that you cannot become anyone else other than that person. There is no way that you can lead some worthwhile college life and feel satisfied. I guarentee it, so have confidence!
Higuchi: There is no such thing as that rose-coloured campus life. Why? Because there is nothing rose-coloured in the world. Everything is all a bunch of colours mixed up, you see.

What Higuchi has realized, and so eloquently says, is the very same mantra by which Ozu lives his life. To truly live, one has to open themselves up to possibilities. Not the possibility of being a bunny girl, perhaps (because as Higuchi says, this is likely impossible) but to the potential of the things, people, and situations set before us in life. The reason that Ozu steals a blimp, and not Watashi, is because he lets himself be swept away by the tides of love: he falls deeply and without restriction.

Watashi, with his continual focus on some far-off concept of who he wants to be, continually misses the ‘opportunity dangling right in front of him’, with Akashi, with the clubs he enrolls in, and with the people who surround him. He narrates the entire series in his customary lightning-fast way, but always in a disconnected manner. Even though the narrator and Watashi are the same person, the narrator sees himself as someone above this. In reality the narrator is probably one of Watashi’s far-off imaginings of himself as well.
I have two more semesters left in my degree. Tomorrow, on New Year’s day at 7am, I’m flying to the other side of the country, moving out, and doing an internship for the next 8 months. This time last year, if you had told me that I’d end up taking a year off and delaying my graduation, that I’d stumble my way into a relationship, and that I’d move to Eastern Canada, I’d probably look at you blankly, with dull eyes, and wonder who this girl was with the rose-colored college life.
No risk, no gain. Have a Happy New Year, everyone.
Thanks for the screenshots, bateszi. I am a lazy, lazy anime blogger.

12 responses to “A Tatami Galaxy kind of year”

  1. Mystlord Avatar

    Very well put, and a great New Year’s piece. I hope it all works out for you, but even if it doesn’t, I know you won’t regret not taking this opportunity. A happy New Year to you as well!

    1. Celeste Avatar

      Happy new Year, and thanks for the comment 🙂 So far the move has been a comedy of errors, but I’m sure it’ll all work out!

  2. […] stream and the act following the stream. Well, except for one thing. I have to give credit to this particular post for even making me realize it. There was an international exam that would score me a certificate […]

  3. Numbers and Space Avatar

    From my blog post: ”I don’t have any results to show you yet and this is very presumptuous but I think that Celeste and the Tatami Galaxy may have genuinely changed my life. Thank you.”
    Thank you.

    1. Celeste Avatar

      Your reply was espcially beautiful and moving! You’re still in high school it seems! Life hasn’t even begun yet! What comes after will be a broadening of your world and perspectives. Take every opportunity available, and never be afraid to change your mind!

  4. Peter S Avatar

    Man, I wish I had stayed with this show.
    As for me, no way last Jan 1st would I have guessed that today I would be in a town in China, bloated and woozy from food and drink, getting a haircut and shave. Sometimes it’s great to let events lead you along! Good luck on your new adventures! What is the internship for?

    1. Celeste Avatar

      It’s true. Especially when traveling, I think one of the best things you can do is go with the flow 🙂 Was the shave a good one?
      The internship is for a technology company 🙂 Should be fun! Happy new years!

  5. Martin Avatar

    I can’t wait for the DVD/Blu-ray release of this (I still can’t believe it’s actually happening TBH) so I’m holding back on downloading the fansub of it. I WILL watch it sooner or later though, promise!
    Best of luck with the rest of your degree…I’m feeling like I’m in some sort of free-fall situation too, what with life apparently passing my by while I try to work out how to get out of the dead end I’m in. 2011 will certainly be interesting and hopefully pretty significant. Here’s to a happy new year!

    1. Celeste Avatar

      It’s getting a blu-ray release? awesome 🙂 I thought it might, and I can’t wait for it either!
      It is really great though, and Funimation did a great job with the subtitles.
      As for your free-fall situation, it seems to happen to many at the tail end of their twenties it seems? All I can say is take a risk, and don’t look back. Best of luck in the New Year!

  6. DRFP Avatar

    Definitely the best show of 2010 and up there with all my modern favourites. Although, and this is one of the great things about TTG, I took a different message away from it.
    “We also know exactly what he needs to do to escape: he has to take a chance.
    “To truly live, one has to open themselves up to possibilities.”
    I found the message behind the series to be the opposite of all this. For me Watashi takes chances and opens himself up to possibilities every episode by going off and trying new clubs and outrageous things. It’s only when he realised he needed to accept what was in front of him (the antithesis of chance and possibilities) that he was able to move on. Watashi needed to realise that no matter how many times he redid his college years he was never going to find a route that was perfect. Once he accepted this fact he became free to move on.
    It’s a less adventurous meaning I took from the series but one that provides inspiration and comfort in a different way. I don’t usually have the time or inclination to re-watch series but TTG is one I’ll definitely make room for (no sort of pun intended) in the future once those HD versions are available.

  7. Kaionlriu Avatar

    thank you for your amazing review on the tatami galaxy.

  8. Michael Avatar

    I said it before, and I’ll say it again: it is one of the best series ever. It’s so beautiful that the only tragedy is that more people need to watch it.
    Great post, Celeste.

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