January status update



January was a good month for this here anime blog. I published 6 posts, which may not seem like a lot, but for me, it’s the most I’ve published in years. This was reflected in the blog’s views, which went up for the first time since November. I don’t know if I can maintain this pace going into February, but I’ll give it my best shot.

It helps that anime just seems really good at the moment. This is a cracking season, with Dororo and The Promised Neverland leading the way, and Run with the Wind carrying over from last year too.

Believe it or not, I’ve been writing about anime here since 2006. That’s nearly 13 years ago, which seems mental to me. There have been times when I’ve almost let it go, but the compulsion to write has never left me.

One thing that has changed is that, as an independent blog, it’s harder now than ever to reach people. After publishing something new, I’ll spend the next hour linking it across various social media sites. I’ll never get used to promoting myself, and quite often I’m tempted to just skip it altogether out of embarrassment, but then I realise, if I don’t at least try to get people to read, what’s the point in any of this?

It’s just that the way things are now seem so fragmented?

Using myself as an example, I’ll consume content through video on YouTube, or through tweets, or through news sites. Where does that leave blogs like this, without any larger estuaries of readers to stream into? I don’t think in tweets, it isn’t in my nature to post first and think later, but unless you’re a personality on one of those sites, it’s really hard to find an audience. I don’t have an answer either. This is the internet today, where people, myself included, are held captive by their phones and the endless cycle of recommended videos and “Articles for you”.

I just have to keep working hard.


Whether you started reading this blog in January or a few years ago, thanks!

Let’s see what February brings!

7 responses to “January status update”

  1. barak Avatar

    As an old reader of this blog, going right back to 2006-2007, I think (I even used to comment a few times even back then, under a different name that apparently someone else had registered with WordPress since then…) I’m glad to see you still here. 😀

    I’m quite happy that in this age of vlogs and Twitter and podcasts there are still people who are still carrying the blog torch, and are writing because they genuinely have something to say. I much prefer blogs to any other platform, partly out of comfort (I prefer reading, and anyway I just can’t deal with the noise at Youtube and Twitter), partly because I think the format lends itself the best to presenting one’s thoughts in a structured form, free from the need for visual distractions, or constant digressions/shouting/inside jokes/etc. that a lot of podcasts tend to fall into… and partly, I guess, because as an old, jaded fan who somehow rarely ever ends up liking the things everyone else likes, and who has quirks and hang-ups that barely anyone else seems to have, blogs like this kind of offer a sort of companionship, if that makes sense? Whether I agree with the writer or not, whether they share my taste or not, I think this format is still the most personal and they feel more accommodating, even if one is only a reader.

    Anyway, this was many words to say that I hope this blog continues to stick around! Good job so far, and I look forward to new articles. (Even though we don’t, actually, watch the same shows. 😀 I mean I tried to like Dororo, I really did, but it’s one of those shows that are perfectly good and respectable, but I just can’t get into them.)

    *Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with any of these, mind. It’s a matter of preference.

    1. bateszi Avatar

      Thank you for leaving this comment, barak.

      There’s something that’s just… comfy about text blogging, isn’t there? It’s a space to contemplate things without feeling like you’re just screaming into a void. I’m glad I’m not alone in preferring this style of things.

      I really hope I can find more readers like you.

  2. okiru Avatar

    One post a month is more than adequate. If you do more, fantastic! Glad to read your posts!

    1. bateszi Avatar

      It’s great to have a reader like you, okiru. Thanks, as ever, for commenting.

  3. LitaKino Avatar

    I’m new to your blog and wow 13 years that is mind blowing. I thought 4 years was long for myself. I like your vibe on your blog, especially some of your editorial pieces. I completely get you on being noticed, wanting to be noticed in this mass community. Personally it’s taken a long time to build up a readers base but after hard-work it’s been so worth it. By being the one to reach out and comment is how I got to where I am now 🙂 I look forward to posts from you

    Lita xx

    1. bateszi Avatar

      Thanks for your nice words & advice, Lita. I’ll take a leaf from your book and keep working hard! 🙂

  4. Terrance A. Crow Avatar

    “Believe it or not, I’ve been writing about anime here since 2006. That’s nearly 13 years ago, which seems mental to me.”

    13 years is just flat-out impressive!

    “I’ll never get used to promoting myself, and quite often I’m tempted to just skip it altogether out of embarrassment, but then I realise, if I don’t at least try to get people to read, what’s the point in any of this?”

    Honestly, that’s the hardest part for me, too. But it’s necessary, isn’t it?

    And if you’re still here after 13 years, I’m pretty sure you’re on to something!

    I’m looking forward to reading your posts!

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